This book is totally magic in the most unexpected way. I laughed out loud pretty much any time Johannes (the dog telling the tale) talks about running or ducks. I wept openly during Bertrand's (his best friend who is a seagull) coda. I relished Johannes' descriptions of familiar and unfamiliar things.
One of my favorite brag passages:
I began. I took the earth under me and sent it into the past. I did it again and again, taking the future and tossing it backward, and soon my eyes were glassy with cold speed and I was flying. I broke the speed of foxes and rabbits and kept going. I entered the speed of sound and broke it like a cheap toy. When I was flying across the picnic fields and could see the windmill and could smell the salty ocean, I became light itself.
And this one:
And then we'd create a distraction. Yes! When I thought of the distraction I laughed a little, because it was such a good idea that I loved my brain for thinking of it. Yes, a distraction.
How does someone even come up with an idea for a story like this?
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