Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Great Quest

I actually finished The Great Quest a few months ago, but a variety of life events (deciding to marry my ex-bf, flying across the country to propose, planning a wedding, a wedding) have kept me occupied in the meantime. I had to re-read the last few chapters to remember exactly how it ends (*spoiler alert* everybody dies!), but I recall most of the book, and most importantly, how I felt when I read it (anxious, almost constantly).

Synopsis: There are some bad guys and some good guys and one rich kinda good guy that the bad guys are manipulating and they're all on a ship owned by the rich manipulated guy headed to Africa and it's unclear until the very end who will triumph.

1 cup Lord Jim
½ cup Heart of Darkness
2 Tbsp True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
½ tsp Johnny Tremain

Recommendation: Use this book to teach your child (or neighbor or coworker) the literary device of "foreshadowing." The narrator foreshadowed ad nauseum (Didn't think foreshadowing could have that kind of effect? Read this book!). And, it must be said, The Great Quest is way better than The Story of Mankind (the medal winner that year). But that's not too hard to do.